This is where I heal my hurts
Zachtere Wereld
Standing tall
through a lifetime of blows
not to go down
and yet sinking deeper
with every breath
until I got so deep
I couldn’t tell
which was up or down
light or night
fight or flight
Monsters kept at bay
will not be scared away:
are lurking from the shadows
to sneak up on you
and deliver their message
Defeating monsters
means facing them
The only road away from them
runs right through them
So I roam the dusty roads,
travel the swamp
across wooden pathways
and find myself
between water and woods,
shadow and sunlight,
undergrowth and sky
In twitter silent
birdsong filled
I feel my pain
I fight my fears
I rage my anger
I cry my tears
and leave it all behind
This is where I heal my hurts
Zachtere Wereld
Standing tall
through a lifetime of blows
not to go down
and yet sinking deeper
with every breath
until I got so deep
I couldn’t tell
which was up or down
light or night
fight or flight
Monsters kept at bay
will not be scared away:
are lurking from the shadows
to sneak up on you
and deliver their message
Defeating monsters
means facing them
The only road away from them
runs right through them
So I roam the dusty roads,
travel the swamp
across wooden pathways
and find myself
between water and woods,
shadow and sunlight,
undergrowth and sky
In twitter silent
birdsong filled
I feel my pain
I fight my fears
I rage my anger
I cry my tears
and leave it all behind